My Adventures into Latin

The Arrival of Agricola

The soldiers of the second legion, who were in the camps at Chester, were working hard for a long time. For Gaius Iulius Silanus, the commander of the legion, was waiting for the arrival of Agricola. The soldiers, having been ordered by the centurion, were doing many different things. Some were polishing weapons; some cleaning buildings; some were repairing weapons.

The soldiers, who did know of the arrival of Agricola, were taking the thing badly. For three continuous days they worked; on the fourth day Silanus announced the arrival of Agricola. When the soldiers had heard this, began to rejoice greatly because they were fond of Agricola.

On the third hour Silanus drew up the soldiers into long lines, in order to greet Agricola. When the soldiers saw Agricola entering the camps, raised a great uproar:

"Hurray Agricola! Hurray, hurray, Agricola!"

Agricola advanced to the platform to say a few words. Everyone at once fell silent to hear Agricola.

"I am pleased," he said, "because today I see you again. I have no legion more faithful, no braver than you. I praise your enthusiasm and discipline greatly."

Thus having been encourage by the soldiers he advanced through the lines to inspect them. Then he entered the headquarters to speak to Silanus.